第107章 爱情故事(本章免费)(1 / 2)

“we were both young when i first saw you.{初次见面时,我们还都很年少}

i close my eyes and the starts.{我闭上眼,那一幕往事又重现在脑海中}

i“m standing there on a in summer air.{我站在阳台上,享受着夏日的微风}”


“see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.{看着冷火阑珊的舞会和华丽的礼服}

see you make your way through the crowd.{望见你穿过拥挤的人群}

and say hello.{向我打招呼}

Little did i know.{我只记得这么多了}”


“that you were Romeo,you were throwing pebbles.{你就是朝着我家窗户扔石子儿的罗密欧}

and my daddy said stay away from Juliet.{我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离朱丽叶远一点}

and i was crying on the staircase.{我却蜷坐在楼梯间啜泣}

begging you please don“t go.{心中祈求着你不要离开}”


“and i said.{我说道}

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.{罗密欧,带我去一个只有我们二人的地方}

i“ll be waiting, all there“s left to do is run.{我一直等待这一刻,唯一能够做的就是逃离}

You“ll be the prince and i“ll be the princess.{你就是王子,我就是公主}

it“s a love story, baby, just say yes.{美好的爱情故事,亲爱的答应我}”



“so i sneak out to the garden to see you.{我溜到花园和你幽会}

we keep quiet “cause we“re dead if they knew.{我们小心行事,避免被人发现}

so close your eyes.{闭上眼睛}

escape this town for a little while.{我们逃出这个城镇,哪怕只有一小会儿}

cause you were Romeo,i was a scarlet letter.{你的出现让我的人生充满色彩}

and my daddy said stay away from Juliet.{我父亲让你离我远点}

but you were everything to me.{但你是我的全部啊}

i was begging you please don“t go.{我祈求着你不要离开}

