第107章 爱情故事(本章免费)(2 / 2)


Romeo save me,{罗密欧拯救我}

they try to tell me how to feel.{他们试着告诉我怎样去体会}

this love is difficult, but it“s real.{尽管这份爱情如此艰难,但很真实}

Don“t be afraid, we“ll make it out of this mess.{别怕,我们会渡过难关的}

it“s a love story, baby, just say yes.{美好的爱情故事,亲爱的,答应我}



“i got tired of waiting.{我厌倦了等待}

wondering if you were ever ing around.{想知道你是否会如期而至}

my faith in you was fading.{我的信念在逐渐衰退}

when i met you on the outskirts of town.{当我再一次在小镇的郊外与你相会时}

and i said.{我说}

Romeo save me, i“ve been feeling so alone.{罗密欧,救救我,我孑然一身太久了}

i keep waiting for you but you never e.{我一直在等你,但你从未现身}

is this in my head, i don“t know what to think.{在我的脑海中一片乱糟糟的,我不知道如何是好}

he knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring.{他跪在地上,捧出一枚戒指}

and said.{然后说道}

marry me, Juliet, you“ll never have to be alone.{嫁给我吧,朱丽叶,你不再是一个人}

i love you and that“s all i really know.{我只知道我深爱着你}

i talked to your dad,go pick out a white dress.{我和你的父亲谈好了,快去挑选你洁白的婚纱}

it“s a love story, baby, just say yes.{美好的爱情故事,亲爱的请答应我}


“we were both young when i first saw you.{人生初见时,我们还都很年少}”




